Really long time, absolutely no see


Oh how much I missed you my dears. How long has been been? Months??? Well since then a lots been happenin in the world and we truly do be goin wild

Today we're gonna talk about something great-and no I'm not talking about the fellas in sing, though they were quite a talented bunch.

We're gonna talk about a little somethin called frogs in clogs. Now you might be wondering, how have we not talked about this sooner?? It seems right up our alley, but you see my tadpoles, sometimes you can't just go for the easy pick. Today however, we will be, because this book is the most incredible things I feasted my orbs upon.
and not to get to excited here, but this isn't even the only book on the topic! take a gander tadpoles, absorb the beauty that is this poem collection. I can only imagine the tales these fine books must tell.
Why, just looking at these fine pieces of literature makes me downright sunny. Makes me wanna take a seat in a cool swamp and get reading, amirite???
Well tadpoles, on that note I'll leave ya. Hop-fully I'll be back for another post soon. (get it? hop-fully? because frogs hop?) Keep hopping tadpoles!


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