Back To the frogs

Tadpoles- We're back! this post is gonna be about frogs, because as we saw in the last post, wooden clogs are doomed and there's not much we can do about it. This post is gonna be different, only positive frog vibes allowed here at the Pad and only positive frog vibes allowed on this post. I just made a title for this post- Back to the frogs. Seems mundane, but as I type these simple words with my robust, yet nimble fingers, I have a vison. Back to the future.........but with Frogs. Brilliant isn't it?
can't you see it now? Marty McFrog, Dr. Emment Brown Frog, George McFrog, Scooter kid #2 Frog...truely a Perfect cinematic experience. You might be saying to yourself "Why does this have to exsist" or "you suck" but none of that matters. I am directing a masterpiece, and like Picasso painting the Mona Lisa, with each brushstroke I shall change the world.
So, next time you decide to put on a film, let me just put an image in your head
A beaut, isn't he?

stay fresh tadpoles


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