all of my animal crossing villagers that are frogs and why we're friends

hey tadpoles-

I'm back sooner then you expected eh??? Today we're doing an post I'm shocked I haven't already done???? its about my bffs- specificaly the frog ones- in animal crossing. Now this is gonna have two sections- one for my ogs on the ds, and another for my bbs in pocket camp because we can't forget about em

so lets get starteddddddd


ah yesssss, it's ma boy Cousteau. Why do I love him? well hes the best. He always gives me presents, was very nice when I gave him medicine for his cold, and even showed up AT MY BIRTHDAY PARTY!! I love him lots bffs for life.

here she is my homegirl DIVA! Always has her look on point, and my only Uchi villager so thats cool. Has good fashion advice, sometimes is a little mean but we'll take what we can get.

YOU KNOW WHO SHE IS ITS GIGIIIII!! Gigi is such a pal, although she has threatened to leave our town not once now but TWICE so I'm a little salty about that but I hope she doesn't leave because she is a real pal.

Now those are all my ds friends, but I can't forget about the pocket camp friends so here they are
HERE THEY AREEEEEEE! Lily, Raddle, and Tad! Although I don't talk to them as much as the others they're still some solid pals, gotta love em.

Well Tadpoles, thats about all we have time for today, but I'll catch you next time!


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