And introducinggggg

hey tadpoles, I'm back- this time with a real actual post. Now last time we chatted, I gave you a sneak peek of the newest article, but that is not today because alas, I do not have the right ingredients.


Get excited- because today we're talking about a frog that's relatively new to the industry, one that's changing the frog game, one that's taking after our favorite rat Remy. Now tadpoles- you must know who I'm talking about, but if you don't, here he is:
Huh? you don't get it? You must be saying "HEY" that's just spider man,  that is NOT a frog- but tadpoles here's where you're wrong (also btw I just typed your by accident and that didn't grammar check but when I typed that's like thats it freaked out so idk guys but anyways back to business)

Now tadpoles, if you haven't heard, the frog might not be tom holland BUT it is in his mouth-look it up ya'll. Now hears where it gets crazy- and no I'm not talking about this kind of crazy
I'm talking CRAZY CRAZY. What does this frog in tom's mouth look like? Well, we have no photos because I'm assuming that the frog is controlling tom's acting and therefore cannot show himself, much like the film Ratatouille, but I thought to myself "what would an innovator do?" Well, they'd draw one, lack of drawing skills and all. (I mean tadpoles you've seen our merch, I'm no artist.) (still buy the merch though I mean its okay right??) So anyways, here it is
Well???? do you like it????
as you can see, the frog in toms mouth aka fitm (thats his name now) has set it up so he can do it all. a clever little fella eh?

okay tadpoles

I thought I would have more to add to this article but hey at least now you know the amphibian behind it all
okay thats the end of the article
more soon
see ya'll soon tadpoles


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