guess whos back back again


whats up my friends?? how I've missed you all. Tadpoles- I know its been a couple hops since I last popped on here to talk to you, but I'm back fellas and ready to rock. Today I'm gonna talk to you about a little stone fella who's hopped his way into my life- Yoga Frog.
ahhhhhh.....peaceful aren't they?? The one who I snagged for the garden is the second one a the top row. A real beaut ain't he??? But tadpoles heres the thing. Once I got this frog, I went a little hog wild (or frog wild haha get it?)
It seems now everytime I'm in a shop with a frog doing yoga, I HAVE to grab it! 
I had to snatch em tadpoles and now there are three in my house, peaceful babies, doing there yoga thing

well tadpoles
it seems thats about all I have for you today, especially since i just spilled my smoothie all over myself and my chair and it's thrown me off my rhythm. (Rhythm is kinda a hard word to spell? amirite?)



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