Frog-Man to the rescue!

 hey tadpole babies!

Its been far too long, I've missed swimming around in the pond with you all! now that we're back, hop in, the water is fine and the lilypads are fresh for a hoppin. I thought I'd come on today to chat with you all about a topic we rarely discuss. Superheroes!!!

(and yes, I know that I just posted yesterday so it really hasn't been that long, but do you blame me for trying to be a little humorous??? a little bit funny???)

  (OKAY yes I know I did NOT post just yesterday but i started this post quite a bit ago and honestly can you blame me for keeping my silly joke in? can you not appreciate my silly joke for what it is? live a little tadpoles!!)

okay, okay, I'm done! Today tadpoles, we're talking all things hero! 

(alright so im still trying to avoid copyright issues sorry it looks like shit tadpoles)

Ah yes, Marvel! creators of such lovely comics, and characters that we know and love! of course, if there's one thing we love here at the frogclogblog, its vigilante justice! Tadpoles, I give you a question to get your mind going- whats your favorite superhero?? I assume you're thinking of the classics! Spiderman, Ironman, Captain America!!! 
alright alright i cant draw people so i made steve into a flag. take it up with management tadpoles bc i couldnt care less!! i like him this way. (also ps grace i added the arc reactor do you like it? comment "fish" if you do it will be like a secret code) (don't tell the others) okay this caption might be a bit too long so ill cut it here

Such narrow thinking here Tadpoles. Please! I beg you! dig a little deeper. Wouldn't it be nice if our very own frog could be a hero!!! I can picture it now, from land to pond, a frog of power!!
i suppose it sucks there isnt a frog superhero
Okay tadpoles, don't be mad!!!! but he is a supervillain not a superhero :( 
A supervillain!! I tried to whisper it, so as not to hurt you tadpoles but alas! I rip off the band aid. Our dear, sweet frogman is a villian to Spiderman. Now that's just ridiculous!!
I mean, a frog against a spider? I think we know who'd win that competition...

tadpoles, i think i might have gone to far on this one! the video was a bit much, even if it did send a message. Lets all forget we ever watched it! back to frogman!
Now tadpoles, I'm gonna tell you all the frog haters out there don't want you to know! While frogman might not be the strongest or most powerful villian around, he was the son of the powerful Leap-frog!!!
you heard that right- ANOTHER frog!!! (and look how handsome!)

Wow! I just can't believe tadpoles. Two strong frogs, what wonderful role models!! You know, we've learned a lot today on our journey, and I leave you all with question to answer down below- if Leap frog and Frog man come to the MCU, who would you cast? 

On that note tadpoles, I bid you adieu! I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week! just two more sleeps till froggy friday 😉

PS! Be on the lookout for new merch bc im updating our store...exciting things coming tadpoles, exciting things!!



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